Leadership Development


A Collaborative Partnership

Coaching connects at the deep personal level of beliefs, values and vision. It is not advice giving or mentoring. Instead it uses a philosophy that believes you already have everything you need; the talent, the abilities, and the answers. A coach’s job is to walk with you, and help you find these answers.

Coaching used to be about showing and telling in order for us to change our thinking and behaviours. Our interactions would involve telling, answering and giving advice. We have been culturally conditioned to use this directive approach, but it leaves a person reliant on others. It is now about discovering; a non-directive approach.

Think of a sports coach and an elite athlete. They perform at a level that their coach will likely never have been able to, yet how does that coach help the athlete improve? They ask questions. Not about the skills, but about how the athletes are thinking, about the play, what they believe about their teammates, their competition and how they are relating to them.

Coaching helps leaders take on issues, expedite the speed of organizational change and promote comprehensive decision making. This research is coming from organizations such as Nike and NASA.*

*Adapted from Essential Impact, The Excelerator Essentials Program, 2019

Coaching Styles

Directive Vs. Non-Directive



Solving someone’s problem for them

Giving feedback
Giving Advice
Making suggestions
Offering guidance

Listening to understand
Asking questions to raise awareness



Helping someone solve their own problem

Impact Coaching



An emotional intelligence assessment and discovery session to help set the foundation.



Powerful bi-weekly coaching sessions.


Learning Modules

Your choice of 5 learning leadership modules from a wider list, completed via our online learning management system, in your own time at your own pace.


What’s Next

A final wrap up session to discuss your insights and solidify the mindset shifts that will ensure you continue to grow.

A Journey of Growth

Unlocking Your Leadership Potential

‘Impact Coaching’ is a 3-month engagement period, with a minimum of 2 coaching sessions monthly, an emotional intelligence assessment, and access to online, learning leadership modules to assist in coachee growth. It is for any leader at any level as no one ever receives ‘the’ certificate that says that’s it, you’ve passed the course, you’re now a leader…

One on one leadership coaching with Phil – an executive leadership coach.
Access to powerful leadership learning modules designed and delivered by Phil, online and at your own pace.
An emotional intelligence assessment report (EQi-2.0) that will help shape the coaching engagement.

Coaching Sessions will run approximately 60 minutes and be held over video conference, phone, or in person. There will also be a discovery session to set the scene and foundation for the coaching, as well as a wrap up session to help sustain the growth and changes realised. Additionally, the coach will remain at the coachees service for short, ad-hoc coaching sessions as and when required throughout the engagement.

Emotional Intelligence and leadership go hand in hand. EQ skills are critical for building relationships and teams, resolving conflict, solving problems, leading effectively and building resilience. As a certified emotional intelligence assessor, Phil will provide you with a detailed assessment of your areas of strength and potential areas for development that will help frame the coaching engagement, Your comprehensive report will describe how your EQ competencies work together and provide suggested strategies for bringing them into balance for greater effectiveness.

The learning leadership modules are Phil’s top picks from the best modules in his Impact Awareness series. They are asynchronous and delivered online via a learning management software. These have been designed and created specifically by Phil, using leading research in academia, practical and real-world examples from leaders around the globe, as well as his own personal experiences as a leader. These modules will be used to address and evoke awareness in themes that appear during the coaching conversations, as well as serve as additonal leadership development for the coachee. A minimum of 5 learning modules from the list below will be made available for the coachee.

Leadership Modules Tour

Click on the video to get a feeling of what the modules are like.

Decision making
The Art of Delegation
Motivational Models
Why Teams Fail
Hiring for Character
Establishing the ground rules/team charters
Emotional Intelligence
Social Intelligence
The Values YOU lead by
Your leadership philosophy
Leadership through the eyes of those that know

Sneak peak

The future is built on

Not stale, corporate management training dressed as leadership. But real leadership.